Jmd Infraventure Private Limited

Private Company In ODISHA

Jmd Infraventure Private Limited is a private company registered at Odisha, India. It was registered in the month of August, 2011. It is involved in the business of construction.


The company has 2 directors. Here is the information about them along with their Director Identification Number or DIN.

Director NameDIN
Pradeep Kumar Pansari01366821
Anil Kumar Gupta01832601

Company Information

Here are the details of the company:

Registration date23 Aug 2011
Company Status ACTIVE
Authorised capital₹3000000.00
Paid up capital₹100000.00
Company categorycompany limited by shares (non-govt company)
ROC locationCuttack

Contact details

Provided below is the contact information of Jmd Infraventure Private Limited including registered address, Whatsapp, phone number, and email accounts.

Contact Details of Jmd Infraventure Private Limited
Address:C/o-bikram Mohanty,near Child Care Nurshing Home, Tala Telenga Bazar, Cuttack Orissa India 753009 Odisha Odisha India 753009

Next Company: Prana Yoga Peeth (opc) Private Limited

The company information, balance sheets, financial records and other information displayed here is collectred from Ministry of Corporate Affairs of India and other places on the internet. If you want to report any inaccuracies and corrections please contact us.